Jonathan Donner
Chief Knowledge Officer
"I’ve spent years as part of professional communities eager to deploy technologies for societies but, increasingly, I think it's time for a re-frame. Technologies and societies are inseparably intertwined and co-created. At this moment, through technology, societies are re-encoding the terms on which all people will be included or excluded, will prosper or be left behind. I strive to ensure my work will help improve those terms."
Jonathan is Chief Knowledge Officer at Caribou. For two decades, Jonathan has conducted groundbreaking research on mobile telephony and the internet, focusing on the implications for global development, and inclusion in the information society. Spanning over three dozen scholarly articles, his interests and projects have included Platform Economies, Microenterprise Development, Digital Financial Services/Mobile Money, Citizen Journalism, Mobile Health, Digital Identity, and Youth & New Media. His latest book, After Access: Inclusion, Development, and a More Mobile Internet, was published by the MIT Press in November 2015. He is based in Boston, US. Prior to joining Caribou, Jonathan was a Researcher in the Technology for Emerging Markets Group at Microsoft Research, a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow at the Earth Institute at Columbia University, and a consultant with the Monitor Group in Boston, MA. Jonathan’s Ph.D. is from Stanford University in Communication Research. Further details on his research can be found at jonathandonner.com and at https://www.linkedin.com/in/jdonner
Contact them at: jonathan@cariboudigital.net